Gravity Forms vs. WPForms - Which WordPress Form Builder is Better

October 15, 2021

Are you looking for a WordPress form builder but are overwhelmed by the choices out there? Look no further, as we dive into the features and pricing of two popular form builders, Gravity Forms and WPForms.


One of the most important aspects of a form builder is the ability to customize to your needs. Gravity Forms offers a wide range of pre-built templates and themes to choose from, and offers a lot of flexibility with CSS classes to help style your forms. WPForms offers a similar range of templates, however, it also offers a drag-and-drop feature that makes customizing forms easier and more user-friendly.

Winner: WPForms

WPForms is the winner in this category as it offers a more user-friendly approach to customization.


When it comes to features, both Gravity Forms and WPForms have a lot to offer. Gravity Forms offers features such as file uploads, polls, surveys, and conditional logic. WPForms offers these features as well, with the added benefit of more advanced features such as payment integrations and multi-page forms.

Winner: WPForms

WPForms wins again in this category due to its more advanced features.

Ease of Use

A form builder should be easy to use and navigate. Gravity Forms offers a lot of customization options but can be confusing to use at times. WPForms, on the other hand, has a simpler user interface, making it easier to navigate and create forms.

Winner: WPForms

Another win for WPForms in the ease of use category.


Pricing is always a major consideration when choosing a form builder. Gravity Forms offers a basic plan starting at $59/year, with more advanced plans reaching up to $259/year. WPForms offers a free plan with limited features, and more advanced plans starting at $39.50/year, up to $299.50/year for the most advanced plan.

Winner: WPForms

WPForms takes the prize with a more budget-friendly pricing strategy, while still offering a wide range of features.

The Verdict

After our comparison, WPForms emerges victorious as the better WordPress form builder due to its user-friendliness, advanced features, and budget-friendly pricing. However, for those who require a lot of customizability and flexibility in their form building, Gravity Forms may be a better choice.

We hope this comparison has helped you in your decision-making process. Happy form building!


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